I hope your holidays were full of fun, family, friends and great memories. It's 2017 and that means it's time for YOU to make your health a priority.
Incase you missed it, here's the KSL link that aired last weekend about my online BodyJoy Slim Down Program. Sarah, who you see above, dropped 85 lbs. and will continue to participate n BodyJoy as she plans to hit her overall goal in 2017. The only difference between you and Sarah is that she knows my simple strategies and how to adapt them to her life. You can see your own results, all you have to do is decide that NOW is your time and begin, just like Sarah did!
There's only one more day to register for my BodyJoy ELEVATED Slim Down Challenge. You can participate from any location since it's Facebook based! Use the next 7 weeks following my simple and doable strategies to make your 2017 the healthiest year yet! All ages, genders and fitness levels participate.
The program is only $129 for the 7-week program which includes 1 protein powder and probiotic from Silver Fern Brand (a $70 savings over buying the products elsewhere). You can participate in the private online group for $79 without the supplements.
Register at www.mindybuxton.com by Wednesday, January 4. Space limited to 70 participants.
Please specify which option you'd like to participate in and which flavor of protein powder flavor you'd like:
Cookie & Cream
More challenge details are found at www.mindybuxton.com under the "learn more" button.. Weigh In Kick Off Meeting Date: Saturday January 6 at 9:30am at LifeCentre Athletic Club (for Utah participants). For those of you outside of Utah, you can get on FaceBook and see the meeting! I look forward to helping you ELEVATE your results to find BodyJoy in 2017. Give me 7 weeks, and I'll give you RESULTS!
Here's to a year of progress, success and joy!