I hope your holidays were full of fun, family, friends and great memories. It's 2018 and that means it's time for YOU to make your health a priority.
Last year I did a little segment with KSL featuring my online BodyJoy Slim Down Program. Sarah's featured journey is so inspiring. Back then she had dropped 85 lbs. and over this past year she's made even more progress. I'm excited for her to hit her overall goal size, and at the rate she's going I think she'll do it before the 7-week New Years challenge is over.
The only difference between you and Sarah is that she applies my simple strategies and adapts them to fit her life on a daily basis. YOU too can see results by deciding that NOW is YOUR time and begin, just like Sarah did!
There's only 3 more days to register for my 2018 New Year BodyJoy Slim Down Challenge since we start Monday, January 8. You can participate from any location since it's Facebook-based! Use the next 7 weeks following my simple, doable strategies to make your 2018 the healthiest year yet! All ages, genders and fitness levels participate.
The program has two options this year.
1. Participating in the challenge program.
2. Participating in challenge AND including my exclusive Silver Fern Brand probiotic bundle (over $160 savings vs. buying the products elsewhere). Participants who used these last year dropped an additional 2" above the those who didn't use the probiotic.
My winners lost around 20 lbs. AND 20 inches, and as a group (100 people), the overall average drop was 7 inches and 7 pounds! If you're interested in more details or would like to see the Silver Fern Brand bundle they're found at www.mindybuxton.com under the "learn more" button.
You can register at www.mindybuxton.com as well! The deadline is this Friday, January 5 so you can get all the program information before our start date. Space is limited, so I'm happy to add you to the spring challenge once this one fills.
The Facebook LIVE Kick Off Meeting will be Saturday, January 6 in the private group feed. I look forward to helping you achieve results and experiencing BodyJoy in 2018. Give me 7 weeks, and I'll give you RESULTS!
Here's to a year of progress, success and joy!