Why is BODYGYM my go-to workout? Because it fits seamlessly into my life.
If I have a few minutes in the morning I love to do a little stretching with the bar. Standing stretches help me loosen up as I start my day.
If I find myself having five minutes between changing laundry, watering flowers, errand, emails or picking a few weeds I can squeeze in five sticker exercises from the bar for one minute each.
In the evening I love laying on the floor stretching with the BodyGym band as we’re watching something or talking together in our tv room.
Today I found myself in the kitchen talking with my daughters on a FaceTime call so I went through the exercises on the front side of the bar. 9 minutes is all it took while I was in regular clothes—fitting it into my day.
Exercise doesn’t need to look like a 30 or 60 minute workout done to a DVD or in an exercise class. (Although, I love participating in movement this way when that fits my schedule.)
I love doing BodyGym with others and I’m grateful for those opportunities when I get to teach—especially groups of women and teenage girls.
How are YOU doing on YOUR movement? Where can you squeeze in 5-10 minutes throughout the day?
Where do you keep your BodyGym? Is it in a room where you rarely see it?
Is it still in the box? Don’t feel guilty—sometimes we do that!
If the only thing you did today was put that BODYGYM in a place where you see it, I promise you’ll use it more.
You can find cute baskets or leather boxes that blend into your living space so you see your BodyGym, but it doesn’t look messy or out of place.
As a trainer, I encourage people to schedule workout time and stick to it the way they would any important appointment. If this isn’t happening in your busy life right now, challenge yourself to do just 5 to 10 minutes of BodyGym wherever you can in your day. There’s no need to even change into workout clothes if you don’t have time.
Every minute of exercise contributes to your well-being, health and progress. Make it fit into your life, especially during these busy summer days. Every and any minute counts!!!
Tag me on Instagram if you accept this challenge because I plan to share a little BodyGym joy for those posts showing us just how DOABLE BodyGym can be! Just use #thebodygym so I can find you as I’ll be announcing the winners throughout the week.
Here’s to health and happiness as you simply incorporate more movement this week!