I grew up wearing Wonder Woman Underoo’s and watching Linda Carter on T.V.. I still think she’s pretty awesome, but it’s funny how as an adult none of my hero’s wear capes anymore. Between the new Wonder Woman movie and training for the Huntsman 140 bike ride I’ve had some time to reflect on the many hero’s in my life.
Watching someone be told, “you have cancer”; watching them try to live life after being injected full of Chemo; or watching a woman sit stoically in a chair while her head is being shaved automatically turns them into your hero. Cancer has taught me more about courage, sacrifice and the unlimited potential of the human body than anything else I've witnessed in life.
Cancer began rocking my world as a senior in high school when I lost my grandpa to leukemia. Both of my parents are cancer survivors and I lost one of my best friends to melanoma at the age of 25. I've lost clients, friends, and loved one's in addition to watching so many around me be affected through their own cancer experiences. Cancer changes your life—regardless if you’re one with cancer or if you’re the one feelingly so helpless sitting along side your loved one in this modern day battle.
This picture above was taken from the Ride from Reno team. At Sacramento Pass, names of loved ones who we honor in remembrance or who we support right now are written in chalk to inspire riders that we all can do hard things. This is a pretty powerful WHY incase you need a reason to take care of your body and health!
This picture represents MY people. They're who I’m honoring and riding for this weekend. Some are family members, friends and two are are even strangers. It doesn’t matter our relationship; they’ve inspired me by the way they hero through life. My REAL LIFE HEROS don’t wear capes.
This weekend take time to tell your loved one’s how much they mean to you. Regardless of the battles you might be facing in life, remember that YOU can do hard things too. I look forward to the day when there’s a cure for cancer. I’m grateful for a healthy body that is able to participate in such an important cause. Thank you Vicki Linton for inspiring me to join Warriors on Wheels and for the tireless work you and your family dedicate to cancer awareness and support. I’m honored to be able to ride with you this Saturday!
I'd love if you shared this post on your personal pages and encourage others to donate the last 2 days of fundraising. I'm looking forward to showing you a sneak peak of the Primary Children's Cancer Center before it opens to the public! Watch for my upcoming Facebook live.