This is the time of year Huntsman Cancer Institute holds their largest fundraiser for cancer research. Saturday, June 20th is the designated day. There’s usually several bike rides, runs and walks where participants gather, chalk their loved one’s names on the side walks & roads and participate in a wonderfully supported activity.
There’s a lot of tears, a lot of hugs, a lot of smiles, sweat and bonding over doing hard things in memory of or for “our person” affected by the “C” word.
This year that opportunity to be together on our bikes or walking & running in person has been taken away.
This year fundraising is so different. Sadly, the foundation has already taken a hit.
Even though it looks different, this year we still have the opportunity to support and help raise money virtually.
If you’d like to participate in this unique opportunity with us, you can donate by clicking the link above.
Our team is excited to participate, and we are asking for your help in supporting the life-saving work of researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute. This year is a Virtual Huntsman SportsFest!
Saturday, June 20 is the official celebration day. We’re encouraged to get outside and be active, in celebration of your life, your body and those we love.
For anyone who donates to our page, LifeCentre is opening it’s doors to welcome YOU to participate in either of our 2 group fitness classes, use of the beautiful salt water pool, or workout in the facility anyway that supports you best as a thank you.
We have all been touched by cancer, and our team is making the commitment to bring hope to patients and their families by participating in this event, raising money, and doing our part to help eradicate cancer from the earth.
Please consider helping us reach our goal by donating to this page - 100% of every donation is being used to fund cancer research at Huntsman Cancer Institute. Because of you, others can continue to have hope in their fight against cancer.
I’ve missed my mom dearly these past 2 years. I miss my grandpa, Jason, Jan & all other friends and loved ones who are no longer with me. I’d do anything to keep family’s from experiencing this heartbreak! Won’t you join me?
On behalf of Team LifeCentre, I hope to see you June 20!